Mastering Microservices — The Basics

Charles Lo
4 min readFeb 20, 2023


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Microservices are a modern approach to software architecture that can help organizations achieve greater agility, scalability, and efficiency. By breaking down a large monolithic application into smaller, independent services, microservices enable teams to develop, deploy, and scale each service separately, which can result in faster time-to-market and better overall performance.

However, implementing microservices can be a complex process that requires careful planning, design, and management. To master microservices, there are several key areas that developers and architects need to focus on:

  • Understanding the principles of microservices: To develop effective microservices, it is essential to understand the underlying principles and characteristics that make them different from traditional monolithic architectures. This includes concepts like loose coupling, service independence, and distributed systems.
  • Designing microservices for scalability and resilience: Microservices are designed to be scalable and resilient, which means that they can handle high loads and recover from failures quickly. To achieve this, architects need to consider factors like service discovery, load balancing, and fault tolerance.
  • Implementing effective testing and monitoring: Microservices require a comprehensive testing and monitoring strategy to ensure that each service is functioning correctly and that the overall system is performing as expected. This includes testing each service in isolation, as well as monitoring the entire system for performance, errors, and other issues.
  • Choosing the right tools and technologies: Microservices are typically implemented using a variety of tools and technologies, including containerization, service meshes, API gateways, and more. It is important to choose the right tools and technologies for your specific use case, as well as to stay up-to-date with emerging trends and best practices.
  • Establishing effective communication and collaboration: Finally, successful microservices implementations require effective communication and collaboration between development teams, operations teams, and other stakeholders. This includes establishing clear standards and guidelines, sharing knowledge and best practices, and collaborating on shared components and services.

By mastering these key areas, developers and architects can create highly effective microservices architectures that deliver value to their organizations and customers. While the process of mastering microservices can be challenging, the benefits of this approach can be significant, including faster development cycles, greater scalability, and improved overall system performance.

Real-world Example

Let’s say you have a monolithic application that manages inventory, sales, and customer data for an online store. The application has a single codebase, and a single database and all of the functionality is contained within the same code. The monolithic architecture may have worked well in the early days of the store when traffic was low, but as the store has grown, the monolith has become too big, too complex, and too difficult to maintain.

To move to a microservices architecture, you need to break the monolith into smaller, independent services that can be developed and deployed separately. Here are the steps you could take:

  1. Identify the services: The first step is to identify the services that your application provides. In our example, the services would be inventory management, sales management, and customer management.
  2. Define the interfaces: Each service should have a well-defined interface that specifies how it can be accessed and what functionality it provides. This could be a REST API, a message queue, or some other mechanism.
  3. Create a gateway: To enable clients to access the different services, you will need to create a gateway that routes requests to the appropriate service. This could be done using a reverse proxy, a load balancer, or a service mesh.
  4. Decouple the services: Each service should be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This means that the database should also be decoupled so that each service has its own data store. This could be achieved by using a shared database for each service, or by using a distributed data store.
  5. Implement communication: Services need to communicate with each other. This can be done using synchronous communication, where one service sends a request to another and waits for a response, or using asynchronous communication, where messages are sent to a message queue for processing.
  6. Test and deploy: Each service should be tested independently and deployed separately. This will require changes to the deployment process, and potentially the use of containers and orchestration tools to manage the deployment of the microservices.

By following these steps, you can transform a monolithic architecture into a microservices architecture that is more scalable, more resilient, and easier to maintain.

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About the Author

Hi Medium Community, my name is Charles Lo and I’m currently a project manager and data manager at Luxoft. Luxoft is a place where we combine a unique blend of engineering excellence and deep industry expertise to serve clients globally, specializing in cross-industry including but not limited to automotive, financial services, travel and hospitality, healthcare, life sciences, media, and telecommunications. In addition, Luxoft is also a family member of DXC.

I’m passionate about technology and hold several certifications including Offensive Security Certified Professional, AWS Certified Solution Architect, Red Hat Certified Engineer, and PMP Project Management. I have years of experience working in the banking, automotive, and open-source industries and have gained a wealth of knowledge throughout my career.

As I continue on my Medium journey, I hope to share my experiences and help others grow in their respective fields. Whether it’s providing tips for project management, insights into data analytics, or sharing my passion for open-source technology, I look forward to contributing to the Medium community and helping others succeed.

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Charles Lo

⭐ Tech pro passionate about cloud computing, security, programming, open-source, and project management. Sharing expert insights to drive innovation and growth